
Organic Products

The name refers to products that are derived through organic farming. Organic farming is a sustainable agro management program where farming is promoted by biological methods. Crop rotation and cattle manure are used to maintain soil productivity. This is achieved with total exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs. The advantageous results are, you get products that are highly nutritive, free of residues from pesticides and chemical fertilizers and with enhanced taste and longer shelf life. Mooladhara’s processing methods ensure that organic integrity is maintained throughout till the products reach the consumers. The products include organic Oils and Groceries

Raw Material Sourcing

Correct sourcing of organic raw materials is a top priority activity. At most care is given to this at Mooladhara. Every sourcing activity from NPOP or NPOP and NOP-USDA certified operators, is corroborated with Transaction Certificate. An extensive data base has been created to identify organic cultivators with such certifications across the country and conscious efforts are being made to directly source the materials from amongst them.

Processing of Groceries

Carefully sourced grocery items such as rice varieties, pulses and spices, directly from certified growers are first cleaned thoroughly and stored in clean and controlled environment. Additional care is given to the storage of these products that ensures longer shell life. Subsequently they are bagged in bags of designated capacities and dispatched to consumers.

Cold Pressing for Oils

Cold Pressing is an age old process where the oils are extracted from oil bearing seeds at temperatures close to ambient. The process ensures passage of all the nutrients that seeds carry, to the oils. This traditional method once wildly prevalent in our country was systematically replaced by large scale solvent extraction and expeller methods to meet huge domestic consumption. This eventually resulted in flooding of the market with oils with minimal nutrient contents. On a reverse mode we are presently witnessing a growing demand for cold pressed oils particularly of organic nature due to increasing awareness among health conscious consumers.

In cold pressing we do not destroy cells in the seeds by prior cooking or by increasing the operating temperatures. We only enable them to open up just to release the oil. The operation is carried out at close to ambient temperature. This is successfully achieved through advanced Extrusion-Extraction press installed at Mooladhara’s unit.

Resources at Mooladhara

The unit is well-equipped to process organic products carefully with activities such as raw material cleaning and preparation, pressing, oil filtering and packaging with state of the art equipment and well-trained manpower under watchful supervision. The specialized and advanced Extrusion – Extraction press is the critical equipment at Mooladhara’s manufacturing unit. This versatile press is capable of extracting oils from seeds with different bulk densities practically near to ambient temperature.

Quality Control and Testimonials

“Quality control” is a mantra around all Mooladhara’s activities. Every activity is carefully planned, executed and checked to avoid rejections. An In-house laboratory monitors most of the product conditions during and after every step in the manufacturing activity. The unit has obtained the necessary approvals under FSSAI, NPOP, NOP-USDA and EU regulations.